Monday, December 26, 2011

Graphic's Negative Effect

Many copywriters think that they must have all of their keywords written in the copy to be effective and end up with a full page of text. Remember people like a sense of things being “real”, they like to be part of something. That is the benefit of graphics. I often think of graphics to have the same effect of having an office with a window. It gives you a “break” from work. Well, graphics give the customer a “break” from the text.
What you can do is break up your copy and insert keywords in other areas of your website. This will please the search engines as well as give your readers a “break” from seeing a full page of text.
For example, you can delete maybe a whole paragraph of “filler” and just add the keywords from that paragraph to a sub-heading below the main heading of your page. You may want to move some of your keywords to table headers or page footers. Either way the search engine will find your keywords.
Add keywords to regular phrases! This is my favorite. Adding your keywords to regular phrases that may be table headers, footers, categories, departments etc can add up to huge keyword targeting. Here are two examples:
Instead of saying “Sign up for our newsletter”, you can say; Sign up for our internet-marketing newsletter.”
Instead of having the table header for your navigation say “Navigation”, you can change it to say “Marketing Navigation.”
As webmasters and online internet marketers, we sometimes loose sight of what the real goal in marketing is – to sell products and services. We must remember that we are here to provide the best products and the best services to the best customers. Let us not drown them in sheets and sheets of text. Break up your text with images and give them a break!
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