Sunday, December 25, 2011

Graphics And Good SEO

Webmasters and online internet marketers, we sometimes lose sight of what the real goal in marketing is – to sell products/services. It often happens that we end up writing most of our content to please the search engines. Let me tell you, search engines do not buy shoes! Where am I going with this?
1. Make sure to provide alternate text representations for every single graphic on your website including horizontal lines, bullets and background images. You can do this by manipulating the ALT tags. Make sure you use short descriptions for the graphics on your webpage. Many people abuse ALT tags and actually “stuff” 10 – 20 keywords and keyword phrases behind graphics. This is not only bad SEO technique, but it may get your website banned when it comes time to submit it to the search engines!
2. You can insert a small 8pt or so keyword rich description just below your main graphics. For example, if you have a picture of an e-Book on your website, you can put a small sentence below the picture saying “Website Marketing Bible – Get Years of Internet Marketing Experience in One E-Book!” As you can see you get the keywords; Website, Marketing x2 and Internet.
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